COOL was born in hope of becoming a bridge to let the art lovers all over the world inspire each other, link together as one, and create a new future in arts. The main contents consist of interviews of both New York-based and international artists and creators, special feature articles, art reports from around the world, reviews and column series. We contribute to the cultural exchange through arts and to the development of the art industry so that people in the world can enjoy arts casually and New York and major cities in the world can connect through the media COOL.
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■■■COOL Vol.16 Summer Issue Contents■■■

☆Special Interview with Ingrid Fuzjko Hemming

☆Interview with Kumi Yamashita

☆Interview with Nobumasa Takahashi

☆Interview with SWAN

☆Louise Bourgeois @ Guggenheim Museum

☆The Nomadic “decob”

☆nonoca and...

☆The Worldwide Art Views

☆Pick Up Artist ー Nicolas Bataille

☆LOOK! LOOK! Art Books

☆Big Apple Entertainment Stage 1 "CRY BABY"

☆Galleries of The World   81LAB. GALLERY (Osaka)

☆J-POPアートNEWS〜 (1)反逆系アート☆ヽ(゚∀゚*)ノ キタ━━━!!

☆Chinese Art Now Vol. 5 "hitotoki"

☆The Diary of a Nomadic Artist Vol. 2 "Vienna: A nest of evolutionary artists"

☆Film Freaks Scene 10 "The Olympic Year"

☆Toronto Art Report #7 Interview with David Dixon

☆NY Style #5 「L'ai- Je Bien Descendue」

Subscribe to COOL NOW !!
Submit your art-eco-bag for Osaka show!!

New York based art magazine, COOL is calling for artists to contribute their original, hand-made- eco-bags: Decorated Eco-Bag, a.k.a “decob,” for an exhibition and a product-release project, The Nomadic “decob.”

In midst of the global environmental issues, we believe taking initiative on what we can do locally, around our personal surroundings is the step towards solving the global issue. The hand-made eco-bag, Decorated Eco-Bag, a.k.a.“ decob” will be shown to international audiences in effort to raise awareness of environmental issues and call to take initiatives.

decob Project Description
-The hand-made eco-bags will be shown in an exhibition and will be available for sale.

- The exhibition will shown in Osaka, and thereafter tour to major locations such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, London and New York.

-Best of “decob” and other awards will be given to selected eco-bags.

-Project will be covered by the art magazine COOL on its paper and online publications.

Entry eligibility
1)Anyone may apply regardless of whether they are corporate or private.

2)There are two specific themes for Tokyo show: TRAVEL and FOOD. You can submit a design based on the theme. We also accept freely decorated and expressed design for non-category section.

3)The finished work must be usable as a bag.
4)One entry is allowed per artist and in one category only.
5)Total weight of artwork must not exceed 1.5kg

1)Prizes(from sponsors)
2)Publish special featured article, interview and works in COOL.
3)Collaborations with sponsors.

1) Send your design to cool.decob@gmail.com with your:
-Image (JPEG or PDF) of your bag design
(You can download our template here)
-Brief profile, C.V.
-Name your design and use no more than 100 words to explain and describe your concept
-Sales Price
-Email Address
-Website Address
-Telephone Number
-Mailing Address

2) Applicants will be notified of the result of screening.
3) We will ship the plain bag after receipt your entry fee.
4) Freely decorate and express your eco with it.
5) Finally, send “decob” back to us at artist's cost. *There will be no more shipping cost for the rest of the world tour.

Entry fee
US$20.00 (2,000JPY)
Paid by Check or Paypal (Including a deposit on a bag)

Entry period =========================

August 15th, 2008


Sales Price
From US$99 to up.

Artists can bit a price.
We will charge 50% commissions when bags are sold. A potion of proceeds from decob branded bags will be donated to a fund for environmental purpose, and it will assist developing countries trough "Fair trade."

【The world tour exhibition】

The Nomadic “decob” 1st Stage in Toronto (Canada)
Venue:Keep Six Contemporary
Free entrance
Date:June 26 to July 6,2008
Opening Reception, Thursday, June26, 6-10PM.

The Nomadic “decob” 2nd Stage in Tokyo (Japan)
Venue:BOOK246, COOKCOOP, The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo
Date:August 26-September 6, 2008

The Nomadic “decob” 3rd Stage in Osaka (Japan)
Venue:Gallery at the HYATT
Date:September 19-October 2, 2008

Special ExhibitionーGallery at the LEXUS Senboku
Date:October 7- November 2, 2008

The Nomadic “decob” 4th Stage and next ... TBA

[Organizer] COOL Magazine Inc.

[Co-hosts] Keep Six Contemporary / BOOK246 / COOKCORP / The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo / Gallery at the HYATT Projects / Gallery at the Lexus Senboku

[Sponsor] Turner Color Works Ltd. / ECOBAGS®
[Supporter] People tree

[Creative Producer] White Inc.

For inquires: cool.decob@gmail.com

『The Nomadic "decob"』world tour began in Toronto on June 26th, with about 50 artists from all around the world.





Interview with tomolennon

☆ Freely express your “ECO” with “decob!” ☆

In collaboration with Gallery Keep Six Contemporary and art magazine, COOL is calling for artists to contribute their original, hand-made eco-bags: Decorated Eco-Bag, a.k.a “decob,” for an exhibition and a product-release p roject, The Nomadic “decob.”

In midst of the global environmental issues, we believe taking initiative on what we can do locally, around our personal surroundings is the step
towards solving the global issue. The hand-made eco-bag, Decorated Eco-Bag, a.k.a.“ decob” will be shown to international audiences in effort to raise awareness of environmental issues and call to take initiatives.

※Partial income from this project will be donated to environmental organizations.
※All bags are made of 100% natural organic cotton, Fair Wage and Fair Labor.

= Project Description =========================
○ The hand-made eco-bags will be shown in an exhibition and will be available for sale.
○ Best of “decob” and other awards will be given to selected eco-bags.
○ Project will be covered by the art magazine COOL on its paper and online publications.
○ The exhibition will shown in Toronto, and thereafter tour to major cities such as New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and London.

= The world tour exhibition =========================
The Nomadic “decob” 1st Stage in Toronto (Canada)
Theme:“eco art”
Venue:Keep Six Contemporary
Free entrance
Date:June 26 ‒ July 6,2008(10 days)
   Opening Reception, Thursday, June26, 6-10PM.

The Nomadic “decob” 2nd Stage in Tokyo (Japan)
Theme:“eco art” +“travel”(BOOK246)、“eco art” +“food”(COOKCOOP)
Date:23 August - 6 September, 2008

The Nomadic “decob” 3rd Stage in Osaka (Japan)
Theme:“eco art” + “healing”
Venue:Gallery at the HYATT
Date:19 September - 2 October, 2008

The Nomadic “decob” 4th Stage and next ... TBA

= Entry eligibility =========================
Anyone may apply regardless of whether they are corporate or private.

= Award =========================
1)Prizes(from sponsors)
2)Have a solo exhibition in Toronto for two weeks.
3)Publish special featured article, interview and works in COOL.
4)Collaborations with sponsors.

= Entry =========================
1) Send your design to (cool.decob@gmail.com), with your: Name, Email Address, Tel, Mailing Address, brief profile, Name your design and use no more than 100 words to explain and describe your concept, Illustrations (JPEG or PDF) of your bag design.
(Download template)
2) Applicants will be notified of the result of screening.
3) We will ship the plain bag after receipt your entry fee.
4) Freely decorate and express your eco with it.
5) Finally, send “decob” back to us.

= Entry fee =========================
US$20.00/2,000JPY (Paid by Check or Paypal / Including a deposit on a bag)

= Entry period =========================

2nd Stage in Tokyo → July 20, 2008

= Sales Price =========================
○From US$99〜

※Artists can bid a price.
※We will charge 50% commissions when bags are sold. A potion of proceeds from decob branded bags will be donated to a fund for environmental purpose, and it will assist developing countries trough "Fair trade."

Turner Color Works Ltd.

Keep Six Contemporary
Gallery at the HYATT Projects

People tree

For inquires: cool.decob@gmail.com
USA ==============================

Tokyo bar (New York)

Japan ==============================

Lilac (Kobe)
Address: 神戸市垂水区宮本町1-24
Tel: 078-705-1223

Maki shobo (Sakura-shi, Chiba)

Gallery ef (Asakusa)

Hong Kong ==============================
Culture Club Gallery

Brunch Club

La Belle Beauty Salon
English / 日本語
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