COOL was born in hope of becoming a bridge to let the art lovers all over the world inspire each other, link together as one, and create a new future in arts. The main contents consist of interviews of both New York-based and international artists and creators, special feature articles, art reports from around the world, reviews and column series. We contribute to the cultural exchange through arts and to the development of the art industry so that people in the world can enjoy arts casually and New York and major cities in the world can connect through the media COOL.
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"ART WALK" 4/25−5/22/2009 
24 artists used 17 units of 4 condos to exhibit their works.
At the opening reception, 10 filmmakers’ works were shown at the public screening space in one of the buildings.
Number of customers at the opening reception: 650

"SAKURA EXHIBITION" 5/7−6/21/2009 
An art group called “Sakura Exhibition,” consisted of 139 graphic designers from Tokyo, used 10 units of the condo “ISHI” to showcase 202 art pieces. The architectural design of the condo was inspired by that of apartments in Tokyo. At the opening reception, there were Taiko drum performance as well as Japanese traditional dance performance.
Number of customers at the opening reception: 250

These two underground projects took place in Brooklyn NY. They were the beginning of a new form of art exhibitions that reflected the economy crisis of the US. I joined the projects as the curator, and the first thing I realized was that art is becoming a bigger part of our everyday life. Today in this downward economy, top colleges like Harvard University are being questioned by the media. They are accused that their education focused on just the numbers as the essence of business, and not details. I cannot help but think art is the savior of this world’s future.

The projects were about improving the condition of a poor area in Brooklyn. To make the town more lively and distinctive, beautiful condos that look like modern galleries are being constructed. We used the space inside of the condos for art exhibitions, which attracted people’s interest to the area. If they purchase the condo, they can buy the art works and the furniture as well. Visit of many people would lead to the vitalization of the town and improvement of economy. The town residents and local artists worry that the area might become more expensive to live in. After hearing our opinion, however, those artists joined the project. Everyone is hesitant to accept something new. I wonder what we can do now for it to be a win-win situation for both the old and new residents of the town. I feel that this project itself is an art. This is a new style of art, and also a mission, produced by this era.

Arisa Itami
Arisa Itami spreads love to the world through music and art. Arisa is a Japanese artist who is a Jazz singer, an actress, and a curator. She works mainly in Brooklyn NY.
In 2008, she visited Africa to teach origami art to children in Nigeria. To make art a part of daily life and to change the world with art, she started “Zank and Mars organization.” She operates an art gallery called Ouchi Gallery in Brooklyn where modern art was born during the art revolution in 1970s. As an artist, she was a part of the mural painting team for the Atlanta Coca Cola museum in 2007. Arisa started a movement called “min-gei”, which is a fruition of her concept “LIFE IN ART.” The purpose of “min-gei” is to regenerate the Japanese folk art movement called "Mingei," which developed in the late 1920s, as a new style in the modern time. The theory of Mingei was to discover beauty in everyday objects created by nameless craftsmen and introduce it to the world. "min-gei" restores the movement in present time with a new theory: making art a part of our every day life. Arisa introduces “min(everyone’s)-gei(art)” so instead of seeing art as special and intangible thing, everyone would consider art as something familiar and intimate with our lives, just like our every day objects.


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